- On startup when loading from session, database connections are not established until the user explicitly opens the connection or the user performs an action which requires a connection.
- OS X compatibility tweaks - Apple-Enter works like CTRL-Enter, Apple-Q saves session before exit, and Apple-C/Apple-V are mapped to copy/paste.
- Query time/timer has been enhanced for accuracy and cleanliness.
- Catalog switching via the 'use' command now affects both the user and the tool connection.
- Structure Insight keystrokes have been modified from CTRL-key combinations to ALT-key combinations. A full list is below:
- Alt-t shows tables in currently selected schema (behavior may vary between JDBC Drivers)
- Alt-c shows columns for preceding table
- Alt-d shows catalogs
- Alt-s shows schemas
- Alt-f shows functions
- Alt-p shows procedures