I recently encountered a situation where users were required to perform various configurable tasks every week and be notified if they failed to meet their requirements. In addition, the system needed reporting capabilities to help administrators discover incomplete and not-started tasks. The catch in this situation is that if the user never began working on their tasks, the data didn't exist. There are obviously many ways to deal with this situation, but I thought it would be interesting to write a query to meet this requirement. But how do you query data that doesn't exist?

Enter generate_series

As it turns out Postgres has a nifty function called generate_series which you can use to generate integer sequences. You supply the range (min, max) and generate_series produces a set containing the integer sequence which you can interact with as though it were a table. A couple of examples:
SELECT * FROM generate_series(-1, 3);
SELECT 		gs1.a AS n, SUM(gs2.a)
FROM 		generate_series(1, 10) AS gs1(a), 
			generate_series(1, 10) AS gs2(a)
WHERE 		gs2.a <= gs1.a
GROUP BY 	gs1.a
ORDER BY 	gs1.a
n Summation of all integers in [1, n]
i.e. n*(n+1)/2
1 1
2 3
3 6
4 10
5 15
6 21
7 28
8 36
9 45
10 55

Simple enough; now onto something a bit more interesting...

Something a Bit More Interesting :)

Below you will find DDL and inserts which models a simpler version of the original problem. In short, the expectation table represents the expectation that a report will be created exactly every 7 days starting on start_date and ending on end_date (or up to 6 days before). The report table simply contains all reports which have been created, but not necessarily submitted.
CREATE TABLE expectation (
    id bigserial not null,
    start_date date not null,
    end_date date null,
    PRIMARY KEY (id)

    id bigserial not null,
    expectation_id bigint not null,
    due_date date not null,
    submitted boolean not null,
    data text null,
    PRIMARY KEY (id)

    ADD FOREIGN KEY (expectation_id) REFERENCES expectation (id);
INSERT INTO expectation (start_date, end_date) 
	VALUES ('2010-06-01', '2010-07-01');

INSERT INTO expectation (start_date, end_date) 
	VALUES ('2010-08-12', '2010-09-01');

INSERT INTO expectation (start_date, end_date) 
	VALUES ('2010-11-01', NULL);    

Fabricating All Possible Report Records

The first step to determining missing report records is to simply generate all possible report records based on expectation configuration. The below query isn't all that complicated, and as you can see the integer sequence represents the previous and future 5,200 weeks which ought to be more than sufficient for the purpose of this demonstration.
SELECT 	NULL AS id, expectation_id, due_date, 
		false AS submitted, NULL AS data 
					id AS expectation_id,
					start_date, end_date, 
					(start_date + 7*series.a) AS due_date
					generate_series(-5200, 5200) AS series(a)
		) a 
		due_date >= start_date 
		AND (due_date <= end_date OR end_date IS NULL) 
		AND due_date <= current_date
i id expectation_id due_date submitted data
1 (null) 1 2010-06-01 false (null)
2 (null) 1 2010-06-08 false (null)
3 (null) 1 2010-06-15 false (null)
4 (null) 1 2010-06-22 false (null)
5 (null) 1 2010-06-29 false (null)
6 (null) 2 2010-08-12 false (null)
7 (null) 2 2010-08-19 false (null)
8 (null) 2 2010-08-26 false (null)
9 (null) 3 2010-11-01 false (null)
10 (null) 3 2010-11-08 false (null)
11 (null) 3 2010-11-15 false (null)
12 (null) 3 2010-11-22 false (null)
13 (null) 3 2010-11-29 false (null)

Removing Existing Report Records

Now that we have a query to produce all possible report records it would probably be prudent to prune existing records. But wait, we don't have any report records. Let's go ahead and create a few and then move right on to the new query which contains an 'AND NOT EXISTS (' clause to tidy matters right up.
INSERT INTO report (expectation_id, due_date, submitted, data) 
	VALUES (1, '2010-06-01', 'true', 'blah blah blah...');

INSERT INTO report (expectation_id, due_date, submitted, data) 
	VALUES (1, '2010-06-15', 'true', 'blah blah blah...');

INSERT INTO report (expectation_id, due_date, submitted, data) 
	VALUES (1, '2010-06-22', 'true', 'blah blah blah...');
SELECT 	NULL AS id, expectation_id, due_date, 
		false AS submitted, NULL AS data 
					id AS expectation_id,
					start_date, end_date, 
					(start_date + 7*series.a) AS due_date
					generate_series(-5200, 5200) AS series(a)
		) a 
		due_date >= start_date 
		AND (due_date <= end_date OR end_date IS NULL) 
		AND due_date <= current_date
			SELECT 	'x' 
			FROM 	report 
			WHERE 	report.expectation_id = a.expectation_id 
					AND report.due_date = a.due_date
i id expectation_id due_date submitted data
1 (null) 1 2010-06-08 false (null)
2 (null) 1 2010-06-29 false (null)
3 (null) 2 2010-08-12 false (null)
4 (null) 2 2010-08-19 false (null)
5 (null) 2 2010-08-26 false (null)
6 (null) 3 2010-11-01 false (null)
7 (null) 3 2010-11-08 false (null)
8 (null) 3 2010-11-15 false (null)
9 (null) 3 2010-11-22 false (null)
10 (null) 3 2010-11-29 false (null)

Now What?

That query meets the original requirements and isn't particularly hideous. Shall we call it a day? Na. For the sake of completeness see the below query which intermingles imaginary data with real data to produce a complete data set for the report table. You could easily create a view with this query and use it for all your imaginary and real report records querying needs.
	SELECT 	id, expectation_id, due_date, submitted, data 
	FROM 	report
	SELECT 	NULL AS id, expectation_id, due_date, 
			false AS submitted, NULL AS data 
						id AS expectation_id,
						start_date, end_date, 
						(start_date + 7*series.a) AS due_date
						generate_series(-5200, 5200) AS series(a)
			) a 
			due_date >= start_date 
			AND (due_date <= end_date OR end_date IS NULL) 
			AND due_date <= current_date
				SELECT 	'x' 
				FROM 	report 
				WHERE 	report.expectation_id = a.expectation_id 
						AND report.due_date = a.due_date
ORDER BY expectation_id, due_date
i id expectation_id due_date submitted data
1 1 1 2010-06-01 true blah blah blah...
2 (null) 1 2010-06-08 false (null)
3 2 1 2010-06-15 true blah blah blah...
4 3 1 2010-06-22 true blah blah blah...
5 (null) 1 2010-06-29 false (null)
6 (null) 2 2010-08-12 false (null)
7 (null) 2 2010-08-19 false (null)
8 (null) 2 2010-08-26 false (null)
9 (null) 3 2010-11-01 false (null)
10 (null) 3 2010-11-08 false (null)
11 (null) 3 2010-11-15 false (null)
12 (null) 3 2010-11-22 false (null)
13 (null) 3 2010-11-29 false (null)